I admit, I am not perfect, but I am a limited edition.

I'm not always a great cook - but my Mom is.
I'm not a perfectionist - but my Sister is.
I cannot read a manual and follow instructions - but my Brother can.
I don't have a tidy house - but my Dad and Step-mom do.
This I do know. I can talk to a stranger I just met for an hour. I get that from my Dad. I can turn someone else's trash into a treasure. That's a Winkel thing. I love change and making quick decisions. My husband Chris calls me shotgun and he's the sniper. I am a professional drawer stuffer. I learned at a young age that everything from the table goes in the drawer when you have company over from my Mom. I may start something and change my mind because I'm sensitive to the Holy Spirit leading me. That came from God and only he really gets me.
God may have designed my parachute but my husband pushed me out of the airplane to start a new business. If you know me, well, none of this is a surprise. I never want to feel stuck and I love being around others that accept me with all my faults seasoned with some anxiety.
If God can use this gal, He can surely use you. Do not ever think you are not enough because you are different. Normal is overrated anyways. Be the one that orders something not on the menu.
God Bless & Happy Monday
~ Chandra